Attendance Policy
Dear Parents/Guardians:
We would like to inform you of our attendance policy at Rancho Santa Gertrudes Elementary School. As parents, you are a vital part of your child’s success and future achievement. We encourage you to support your child by making sure that he/she is in school every day on time. Education is a continuous learning experience.
According to the California Penal Code and Education Code, “…each person between the ages of 6 and 18 years not exempted is subject to compulsory full-time education. Each person subject to compulsory full-time education…shall attend the public full-time day school or continuation school or classes for the full-time designated as the length of the school day by the governing board of the school district.” Failure to comply with the Penal Code and Education code may result in court action. Education, by law, is a parental responsibility.
Rancho Santa Gertrudes Elementary School has been selected to participate in the Abolish Chronic Truancy Program (ACT) sponsored by the Los Angeles County District Attorney’s Office. Students who have poor attendance, frequent tardies and early withdrawals, and extended vacations will be referred to the District Attorney’s ACT Program for these attendance problems that cannot be resolved at the school level.