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Dear Parents/Guardians,

         Welcome to another exciting school year! It is my pleasure to be your child’s Second Grade teacher.  In order to have better communication with you, I have prepared an informational bulletin that describes my classroom discipline policy, homework policy, and other informational items. 


Discipline Policy

         Class rules have been established to provide an appropriate and safe learning environment for all students in my class.  These agreements are posted in the classroom and read as follows:

1.              Attentive Listening:  Raise you hand and wait until called on to speak.

2.             Appreciation/No Put-Downs:  Treating others like you want to be treated.

3.             Right to Pass:  You don’t have to share right away.

4.             Mutual Respect:  Show respect for yourself, others and property.

Keep hands, feet, and objects to yourself.

Take pride in your work.

In addition to these agreements, I feel the following rules are important:

  • Follow directions the first time given:  Use time wisely.

Work quietly in groups and independently.

  • Come to class prepared:  Bring homework and folder to school everyday.


I have also established a color changing method.  If your child is not following the class agreements and rules they will be asked to change their color.


Blue:  Two hole punches in their prize card.

Green:  Hole punch or sticker given weekly.



Verbal warning given before changing color

Yellow:  Warning

Purple:  No morning and/or lunch recess/standards written for rule(s) broken

Red:  Student will be sent to Mr. Perez with a referral and a note will be sent home requiring parent/guardian signature.


**Students who consistently misbehave will lose privileges such as (assemblies, parties).

Homework Policy


         Homework is a very important part of your child’s learning.  It reinforces what is learned in class.  All students will have had experience to attempt the task in class prior to being assigned as homework.  Homework is not intended to be worked on alone by your second grader, but rather, it is to be a cooperative effort between parent/guardian and child.  Let your child take the risk necessary to try to reach an appropriate answer.  This will help him/her build self-confidence in knowing that he/she can find his/her own solutions.  Please be there to support and guide your child by being a positive resource.


1.      Homework is mandatory.  Every student is expected to turn in homework complete and on time.

2.     Homework will be given as a packet every Friday and is due on the following Friday.

3.     Reading at least 20 minutes per day is required for all students.  This is a nation-wide effort!!  Please read to/with your child and have them fill in the monthly reading log.

4.     Students who do not turn in their homework neat and on time will spend their recesses on the playground tables completing it.

5.     Your child has been given a homework folder to use for both homework as well as relaying any information to you that may be pertinent.  Your child needs to bring this folder to and from school daily.



1.      Prizes

2.     Verbal praise

3.     If student’s name remains on green all week, the student is rewarded with a hole punch on their prize card or two if they get blue.

4.     End of the Month Prizes for those students who have…

a.      Had good behavior (followed class rules)

b.      Completed class work

c.      Turned in all homework assignments including Monthly Reading Log

d.      Shown their Best Effort!!



Birthday Celebrations

     Once a month we will have a very short celebration for all the birthdays for that month.  If your child’s birthday is in that particular month and you would like to bring 1 treat for each child, please let me know on the form I’ll be sending home.  This can be a healthy treat such as watermelon, strawberries or grapes.  Or a small sweet treat such as a brownie, cookie or cupcake.  Water is the only drink allowed as a juice or soda only adds more sugar to the treat.  If you’d like to bring a different kind of treat such as pencils, scratch and sniff stickers or a book to donate to the class on behalf of your child to be read to the class, that would be also be great.




We will be using a monthly behavior chart to record your child’s work habits in the classroom and behavior.  Please initial in the space provided daily.



Scholastic/Trumpet Book Clubs


You will see an order form coming home every month that will enable you to purchase books for your child at a reduced price.  Just fill out the order form on the last page and send it along with the payment due.  Please send checks only and make them payable to Scholastic Books.



If you have any questions please come into Room 4, the door is always open or call me anytime at school (562) 692-0841.



                                        Mrs. Morris

2nd Grade Daily Schedule



7:55-8:15              Morning Bell/Attendance/D.O.L./Read 4 Today

8:15-10:00       Language Arts: Spelling, Reading, Word Work, Centers

10:00-10:20       Recess

10:20-11:40       Math: Math 4 Today, Mountain Math, Math Lesson

11:45-12:30       Lunch

12:30-12:45       Read Aloud

12:45-1:45       ELD/ALD (M,W,TH) Science/Social Studies (Fri.)

1:45-2:30              Writing/RTI/AR (M,W,TH) P.E. (Fri.)

2:30-2:50              Clean-up/Folders/Cubbies

2:50                     Dismissal


P.E.:        Mon. 9:00-10:00

Fri. 1:45-2:45   

Tuesday Schedule



7:55-8:15        Morning Bell/Attendance 

                   /D.O.L./Read 4 Today

8:15-10:00       Language Arts: Spelling, Reading,  

                   Word Work, Centers

10:00-10:20       Recess

10:20-11:05       Math: Math 4 Today, Mountain

                    Math, Math Lesson

11:10-11:30       Lunch

11:30-11:45       Read Aloud

11:45-12:00       Clean-up/Folders

            12:00              Dismissal